
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Rui Fernandes <> wrote:
> Hi,


> I'm having a problem compiling a perl script to run in my windows 7 32 bits
> environment. It compiles with Perl Dev Kit from active state, but when I run
> it (in the command line of dos) it just freezes - no anwer. The compilation
> gives no error. Does anyone knows why this might be happening?

Ordinarily Perl programs are compiled just before they are run. How
are you attempting to run it? I am not familiar with ActiveState's
"Perl Dev Kit" (and I imagine many of us wouldn't be). I imagine
ActiveState has a support channel though so you could try directing
your problem to them.

Normally to run a Perl program you would just pass the path of the
perl script to the perl executable:

    C:\Users\bambams\src> perl
    Hello World!


In *nix environments you can use a shebang line (the #! line at the
beginning of a script) combined with an executable bit to execute the
script directly and have the system execute the interpreter for you:

    bambams@home ~/src$ ./
    Hello World!

    bambams@home ~/src$

In Windows, it might work similarly if there is a file association
setup for the .pl file extension. To be safe and consistent it is
easiest to just invoke the perl executable manually as in the first

Does any of this help you to understand the problem? Is ActiveState's
"dev kit" actually attempting to assemble a self-contained .exe with
your Perl program and the perl interpreter (ignore this suggestion
entirely if it's gibberish to you)?

I support the suggestion to give Strawberry Perl a try. It's assembled
with free (as in speech) software and contains everything you need to
build and install most Windows-compatible CPAN modules.


Brandon McCaig <> <>
Castopulence Software <>
Blog <>
perl -E '$_=q{V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. }.
q{Vg qbrfa'\''g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.};

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