
This might help


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> On Nov 15, 2015, at 3:01 PM, Rui Fernandes <rui.kep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Brandon,
> Actually I'm able to run the script from the DOS prompt with "perl 
> script.pl". It might be a permissions problem in Windows 7...
> But, can you please tell me how to compile the .pl script to .exe in windows, 
> with Strawberry? Which command should I use? I'm not familiar with this 
> release...
> Kind regards,
> Miguel Fernandes
>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Brandon McCaig <bamcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Rui:
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Rui Fernandes <rui.kep...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> Hello:
>> > I'm having a problem compiling a perl script to run in my windows 7 32 bits
>> > environment. It compiles with Perl Dev Kit from active state, but when I 
>> > run
>> > it (in the command line of dos) it just freezes - no anwer. The compilation
>> > gives no error. Does anyone knows why this might be happening?
>> Ordinarily Perl programs are compiled just before they are run. How
>> are you attempting to run it? I am not familiar with ActiveState's
>> "Perl Dev Kit" (and I imagine many of us wouldn't be). I imagine
>> ActiveState has a support channel though so you could try directing
>> your problem to them.
>> Normally to run a Perl program you would just pass the path of the
>> perl script to the perl executable:
>>     C:\Users\bambams\src> perl myscript.pl
>>     Hello World!
>>     C:\Users\bambams\src>
>> In *nix environments you can use a shebang line (the #! line at the
>> beginning of a script) combined with an executable bit to execute the
>> script directly and have the system execute the interpreter for you:
>>     bambams@home ~/src$ ./myscript.pl
>>     Hello World!
>>     bambams@home ~/src$
>> In Windows, it might work similarly if there is a file association
>> setup for the .pl file extension. To be safe and consistent it is
>> easiest to just invoke the perl executable manually as in the first
>> example.
>> Does any of this help you to understand the problem? Is ActiveState's
>> "dev kit" actually attempting to assemble a self-contained .exe with
>> your Perl program and the perl interpreter (ignore this suggestion
>> entirely if it's gibberish to you)?
>> I support the suggestion to give Strawberry Perl a try. It's assembled
>> with free (as in speech) software and contains everything you need to
>> build and install most Windows-compatible CPAN modules.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Brandon McCaig <bamcc...@gmail.com> <bamb...@castopulence.org>
>> Castopulence Software <https://www.castopulence.org/>
>> Blog <http://www.bambams.ca/>
>> perl -E '$_=q{V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. }.
>> q{Vg qbrfa'\''g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.};
>> tr/A-Ma-mN-Zn-z/N-Zn-zA-Ma-m/;say'
> -- 
> Rui Miguel Fernandes
> Porto - Portugal
> Website: 
> Cosmos - Portal Interactivo de Astronomia / Interactive Gate of Astronomy
> http://www.cosmos.pt

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