In that case, Install cygwin (idk if you'll have to select gcc or it's
default - either way that's the easiest way I know of to get it on

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Rui Fernandes <> wrote:
> Good morning Kevin,
> I've installed par as you said. It seeme to run, but it asks for setup the
> gcc environment... I'm a little bit lost on how to do it...
> Regards,
> Miguel
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Kevin Walzer <> wrote:
>> On 11/15/15 5:27 PM, wrote:
>> Miguel,
>> This might help
>> PAR/pp, referenced in that thread, is fine if you simply need to
>> distribute a script to end users in a standalone package without a lot of
>> polish. pp is not without its issues, however, especially on Windows, and if
>> you are doing something more complicated or professional-level you will run
>> into significant limitations: it's impossible to customize the app icon or
>> its version info within the exe, for instance. I discuss a few of the issues
>> here, as well as referencing another approach that I found better:
>> (FWIW, the context is a cross-platform desktop GUI application written in
>> Perl and linking to the Tkx module for its GUI. Source code referenced in
>> blog entry.)
>> --Kevin
>> --
>> Kevin Walzer
>> Code by Kevin/Mobile Code by Kevin
> --
> Rui Miguel Fernandes
> Porto - Portugal
> Website:
> Cosmos - Portal Interactivo de Astronomia / Interactive Gate of Astronomy

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