Hi Frank

Assuming the file you're operating on is bar.txt, here's how I'd do it:

$ perl -i.bak -p -e 's/Debug/Error/g' bar.txt

then you'll find the original file in bar.txt.bak

$ diff bar.txt bar.txt.bak


< This is a Error

< Please Error every replacement

< with a Error


> This is a Debug

> Please Debug every replacement

> with a Debug

To find out more read:

$ perldoc perlrun
Hope that helps!


On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Frank Larry <frankylarry2...@gmail.com>

> Hi Team,
>  could you please let me? i have a file which contains "Debug", i would
> like to replace debug to "Error", when i ran the below program the out
> showing Error message but how to save the output with new changes. Could
> you please tell me how to fix it?
> open(FILE, "<filter.txt") or die "Can’t open $!\n";
> while($line = <FILE>){
>    print "Before substituting: ", $line ,"\n";
>     $line =~ s/Debug/Error/g;
>     print "After substituting : ", $line , "\n";
> }
> close(FILE);
> -Franky

Andrew Solomon

Mentor@Geekuni http://geekuni.com/

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