Aaron wrote:
> I have the following code that I am using to try and get a better
> understanding of how to read from a program and then process the output in
> any way needed:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> open(IN, 'who | ');
> while(<IN>)  {
>    $MBody .= $_;
> }
> So this section gives me the contents of the who command.  Now, what I'm
> trying to do is figure out how to write $MBody into a file.  I know that I
> have to open a new file, or can I do it in my prior while?, but am not sure
> on how to get the contents of $MBody into the file.  All of my previous
> attempts have left the file empty.
> Any help would be appericiated.

While I could try and explain the various forms of open() there is an
excelent tutorial that comes with Perl called perlopentut.

perldoc perlopentut

A shorter way to get the output of an external command into a variable
is to use back-quotes.

my $MBody = `who`;
my $MBody = qx(who);  # same thing

perldoc perlop

If you are just going to store the output of an external command into a
file then the system() function might be what you want.

system( 'who > yourfile.txt' );

use Perl;

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