On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 16:47, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> It has also been told to me that Perl 6 will have a command line arg to run
> scripts written for older Perl releases (ie. 5.6.1).
> Does that mean if I wish to enhance/modify some code that I might as well
> re-write it for OO in Perl 6?
> And now all my syntax highlight patterns for my editor (nedit) will need to
> be redone... JOY!
> Nikola Janceski
> Leaders who win the respect of others are the ones who deliver more than
> they promise, not the ones who promise more than they can deliver.
> -- Mark A. Clement 
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I am repeating my self to make sure the point is clear: Perl 6 is not
exclusively an OO language.  Perl 5 has the ability to do OO; does that
make it an OO language?  Perl 6 is just _better_ at OO than Perl 5.  If
you read some of the Exegesis articles you will see some examples that
are OO, some that are procedural, and some that are a hybrid (as most
Perl code is now).

Yes, you will have to rewrite your code if you want to use Perl 6.  Yes,
syntax highlighters are going to freak.  Luckily there will be a p52p6
script to turn existing Perl 5 scripts into Perl 6 and there are
literally thousands of people with nothing better to do with their time
than to write config files for vim, emacs, nedit, etc.  In fact, I am
willing to bet that there is already some Perl 6 highlight config files 
out there.
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