Janek, et al --

...and then Janek Schleicher said...
% David T-G wrote at Wed, 12 Jun 2002 19:42:46 +0200:
% > 
% > In this limited context, yes.  I wouldn't usually declare them all up front.
% Well, I thought you never do (as I know you're not a beginner any more)

Oh, I'm still a beginner, all right :-)

% But I know, some beginners do, so I was a little bit provocant :-)

Good enough.

% > requirements.  If you look at
% > 
% >   my ($artist, $album, $track) ;
% >   while (<>)
% >   {
% >     ($artist, $album, $track) = split(/\//);
% >     if ( $track eq "foo" )
% >     ...
% >   }
% I would try to write it as
% while (<>) {
%    my ($artist, $album, $track) = split m:/:;
%    if ($track eq $foo) {   # $foo eq "$foo" :-)
%       ...
%    }
% }

I don't see a difference here except that you're using a variable $foo
where I threw in a constant foo because it wasn't really important.  If
the $track var in that example is undefined then it will throw an error,
right?  So I don't see how writing it that way (aside from the nicer
split, which I'll also be doing in my next rewrite but at least I thought
of it before someone had to show me :-) will improve matters...

% > % I think, that it is my obligation to warn you
% > % that use strict; use warnings; wasn't made for that way.
% > 
% > Now, them's fightin' word, pardner!  Into the street!
% I like fightings :-)


% But to say the truth, it reads harder than I meant it.
% Of course, TMTWTDI, as I only wanted to say, it could be dangerous this way.

I understand, and I appreciate it.

% Again it was adressed to the many beginners outside the world.
% In fact, curiously, to understand why strict declarations and warnings are needed,
% it's more a problem to java beginners than to perl beginners.
% I still try to understand why :-)

Interesting.  One more reason not to know java, I guess ;-) <ducks>

% > integrate single-case undef logic into the loop, no?
% Yep, you're right!
% (But taking my way would force every loop an undef, doesn't it :-))

True :-)

Hey, I could just undef *everything* between iterations and then I'd have
a higher probability of finding one, eh? :-)

% > I still don't quite get the whole "our"/"local" think yet.  Still workin' on that.
% Oh, and I have always problems to explain it.

No problem; I'll get there.

Interesting...  I just went to look for it in my 2e Camel book and can't
find it (only my and local).  Hmmm...

% Well, when you'll understand the philosphy you never want to go back.
% It's like the difference between the goto statement from BASIC and subroutines.

I imagine and I can't wait :-)  I need to really "get" OOP, too.

% > At the moment I'm storing then in a hash as
% > some more data" subroutine, which will also scope them locally.
% That sounds good.

Yay :-)

% > 
% > Given all of that (*whew*), does it sound like I'm on the right track or instead 
still Not Getting
% > It Even If TMTOWTDI?
% Yes.
% There are only some ways with a little bit more adventure :-)

Good enough; one of these days I can lace up my boots and head off on a
rewrite then.  As long as I'm not doing this flat-out incorrectly right
now it'll do.

% (It's like with doubled code which one is an alert signal for me too for various 

Yeah.  I already have some of that and am trying to work them out to a
single subroutine.

% Cheerio,
% Janek

Thanks & HAND

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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