On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 15:50, todd r wade wrote:
> Chas Owens wrote:
> ><snip>
> >> Alternately, you could say:
> >> 
> >> $track ||= '';
> >> 
> >> right before the next time you use foo after the split. I dont know 
> why this
> >> works offhand, I just remember reading in the docs somewhere that 
> its exempt
> >> from warnings. But for me, that is crossing over into the land of 
> ugly =0).
> ></snip>
> >
> >$track ||= '';
> >
> >is equivalent to 
> >
> >$track = $track || '';
> >
> >which is equivalent to 
> >
> >if ($track) {
> > $track = $track;
> >} else {
> > $track = '';
> >}
> >
> When I said, "I dont know why this works...", I meant I dont remember 
> why ||= is exempt from warnings. I know what it does.
> Your examples are neither equivalent nor dangerous in the context of 
> this thread. We are trying to avoid "undefined value..." warnings by 
> the use of a variable after a split.
> Im sure your second example is not exempt from the warning ,where 
> $track ||= ''; is exempt.
> also, The original OPs conditional following the split uses the eq 
> operator with $track as one of its arguments, so the zero issue does 
> not apply.
> This was my second example, and my first suggestion to use:
> if ( defined($track) and ( $track eq "foo") ) { ....
> would be the most prudent IMHO.
> Todd W

The reason it works is because of the third case.  The value undef is
equivalent to false in logical situations.  The proof is below.  I agree

if ( defined($track) and ( $track eq "foo") ) {

is the safest method since it correctly handles the case where $track ==
0 (which would be the first track in some numbering systems).  As I
said, Perl 6 will solve this problem with a new operator.

Testing for warnings

shortest way
Use of uninitialized value in print at ./t.pl line 12.

short way
Use of uninitialized value in print at ./t.pl line 22.

Longest way
Use of uninitialized value in print at ./t.pl line 32.

Testing for overwrite of 0

shortest way

short way

Longest way


use warnings;
use strict;

print "Testing for warnings\n\n";

print "shortest way\n";

my $var1;

print $var1;

$var1 ||= "test\n\n";

print $var1;

print "short way\n";

my $var2;

print $var2;

$var2 = $var2 || "test\n\n";

print $var2;

print "Longest way\n";

my $var3;

print $var3;

if ($var3) {
        $var3 = $var3;
} else {
        $var3 = "test\n\n";

print $var3;

print "Testing for overwrite of 0\n\n";

print "shortest way\n";

my $var4 = 0;

$var4 ||= "test\n\n";

print $var4;

print "short way\n";

my $var5 = 0;

$var5 = $var5 || "test\n\n";

print $var5;

print "Longest way\n";

my $var6 = 0;

if ($var6) {
        $var6 = $var6;
} else {
        $var6 = "test\n\n";

print $var6;
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