If you are interested in language benchmarks you might want to check out
the "Great Computer Language Shootout":


It has some surprising results.


On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 01:08, Paul Tremblay wrote:
> This question may be too vague for a good answer, but my curiosity makes
> me ask it anyway. I thought I read somewhere that perl is actually
> faster than C for certain tasks. The vagueness of the question probably
> lies in exactly what task, who writes the program, the size and type of
> data, and a dozen other factors.
> Specifically, I am writing a perl script to convert RTF to XML. I
> downloaded a utility called unrtf, written in C, which converts RTF to
> HTML, a somewhat easier task. I got depressed when I ran unrtf on
> small files and saw that it didn't take *any* time. But when I ran it on
> a big file of 1.8 megabytes, it actually took 6 minutes and 30 seconds.
> My script only took a minute! (Hooray, after all this hard work, that's
> a little encouraging to see!)
> When I ran the same file through a java utility called majix, it took
> over a minute. It is hard to say exactly, because majix supplies their
> own timer, and this timer only starts when java starts processing the
> documents, some 20 or 30 seconds after you launch it.
> I had actually considered learning C++ to make my little script really
> fast so that people would consider using it. I really doubt I would have
> really gone through all that trouble, but now I am wondering if C++
> would have given that much of a time advantage--if any at all.
> Certainly, a perl script would be easier to maintain and debug.
> Thoughs on how C, java, and perl compare on speed? 
> (I know I did a little test with sed, a python script, and a perl
> script, just changing the word "the" to "teh" in a huge file. Sed and
> python took about he same time, while perl was six times faster.)
> Paul
> -- 
> ************************
> *Paul Tremblay         *
> ************************
> -- 
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Bryan DeLuca
UNIX guy

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