On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 10:38:52AM -0500, Lance Prais wrote:
>    I have one question about you suggestion.  From the way it looks you have
> "Public" including all the other partitions.

If the partition is "Public" the information is appended to all of the
files.  This is exactly what your original code did.  

> If I wanted to have CSP be the "Dominate" partition I would flip-flop the
> two.

The values in the %partitions hash are lists of files to write.  If you want
the information written to all of the files if the partition is "CSP" then
you should list all of the files in the "CSP" key's value in %partitions.

> Is that correct?

I have very little context on your problem or terminology, so I can't really
answer the questions you asked, and I don't know if what you said was

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