Thanks. But how can I use the solution below in order to use a module?
Keep in mind that when I type:
        use SomeModule;
The "use" statement is executed at compile-time, not at run-time. Therefore,
if I want to find the location of the current perl script, manipulate it and
then use it to load the module, I need to do all this in  BEGIN { } block so
that it takes place at compile-time. I tried it and for some reason it
didn't work, and since this happens at compile-time, I don't even know how
to debug it to see what the problem is ("perl -d script" enters the debugger
after the compilation, so the BEGIN {} block has already been executed, and
in my case it simply told me there was an error and it didn't enter the


-----Original Message-----
From: Jenda Krynicky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:07 PM
To: Reinstein, Shlomo; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How to use a module located relative to the current script

From:                   "Reinstein, Shlomo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks. However, I think this module won't help me. You see,
> "some_path/lib/" is not the "original" (bin) script, but rather
> it's a library of routines used by many "original" scripts. That is to
> say, users don't run "perl some_path/lib/", but rather they run
> some other script which knows how to locate and require Shlomo

I see. 
Could you try to print
or (if that doesn't print anything) use
        foreach (keys %INC) {
                print "\t$_ => $INC{$_}\n";

This should tell you where was the loaded from.
You may then strip the '' from the path with a regexp and 
append '../modules'.


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