> D:\PERL\BIN>ppm
> PPM interactive shell (2.1.6) - type 'help' for available commands.
> PPM> install dbi
> Install package 'dbi?' (y/N): y
> Installing package 'dbi'...
> Error installing package 'dbi': Could not locate a PPD file 
> for package dbi
> PPM> version
> 2.1.6
> PPM>
> [/snip error]

Hi, try this:
1. Choose the package you want to install from:
http://www.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/6xx-builds-only/  (
2. unzip the files into a temp directory
3. After the package files are extracted, open a command prompt and cd to
the directory where the package files exist. eg. c:\temp
4. At the command prompt just type : ppm install <package_name.ppd>  
So for DBI you would type: ppm install dbi.ppd
Say yes to the prompt and it will be done.
5. To verify the installation type: ppm query
This will give you a  list of the packages installed, you should see the DBI
package in the list.


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