Thanks for tips posters..

"John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You should _always_ verify that the file opened successfully.
>     open(FILE,">somefile") or die "Cannot open 'somefile' $!";

Not being argumentative here but I've seen this said before.  Not
really sure why it is important.  I mean why is the open action
singled out for this protection.  It seems other actions could also
cause a misfired script?

>>   print FILE "An extra numeral <" . &lctime . "> appears\n";
>                                       ^
> You shouldn't use ampersands unless you need the different behavior they
> provide.
>     print FILE "An extra numeral <" . lctime() . "> appears\n";

I use them simply for recognition in my own code.  I wasn't aware of
different behavior from the () indicator.  Can you aim me at some
documentation for elaboration?

> You should probably be using POSIX::strftime instead which is simpler
> and faster.


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