On 2003-04-03 14:05:19 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> All,
> I added the "use strict;" statement to my script for the first time and
> received the following compilation errors:
> Global symbol "$LoginName" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 43.
> Global symbol "$TMPNow" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 45.
> Global symbol "@filenames" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 48.
> Global symbol "$filenames" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 49.
> This program works fine without the "use strict" statement?.please advise!!
Use something like:

my $LoginName;
my $TMPNow;


> Also, can someone offer an explanation of how "=" differs from "= ="??

I suppose you meant "==" instead of "= =".

"=" is an assignment.  "==" is a comparison.
I can recommend Learning Perl or one of the other nice beginners books,
you wouldn't get into these things then.  And use strict and warnings
always, from the beginning of all new scripts, it helps a lot.

Have a nice day

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