On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 14:05:19 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> All,
> I added the "use strict;" statement to my script for the first time and
> received the following compilation errors:
> Global symbol "$LoginName" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 43.
> Global symbol "$TMPNow" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 45.
> Global symbol "@filenames" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 48.
> Global symbol "$filenames" requires explicit package name at todaysFiles.pl
> line 49.
> This program works fine without the "use strict" statement?.please advise!!

You have some obligatory reading to do :-)... You should read:

perldoc strict
perldoc -f my
perldoc -f our

Essentially you need to declare the namespace/scope of the variables you are using. 
Before they were automagically placed in the 'main::' namespace.  This seems overly 
tedious at first, once you learn the practice you will forever appreciate it.

> Also, can someone offer an explanation of how "=" differs from "= ="??

'=' is for assignment, '==' is for comparison...

so you 'assign' a variable with the first:

my $variable = 'value';

you compare number values with the second:

if ($variable == 4) {


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