On Friday 04 Apr 2003 3:59 pm, Dan Muey wrote:
> > Dan Muey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If you want it to run like mod_php use mod_perl. Someone said that
> > > not using mod_perl "increases dramatically the startup".
> >
> > Yeah by like
> >
> > > zillionth of a second.
> >
> > Hi Dan,
> >
> > And remember that the "startup" can also include loading modules,
> > connecting to an RDMS, parsing XSL stylesheets, etc...
> Right but what I meant was "all things else being the same" .
> IE a perl script that connects to a database and adds 100,000 records
> will be slower than php script that print "Hello, World" and vice versa.
> So what I meant was take a script of each that does the exact same thing.
> The non mod_perl perl script will not have "dramatically increased
> startup". It may have, I believe I said, a zillionth of a second
> difference.
> The point was that mod_php isn't a zillion times faster than a non mod_perl
> script.
> That's what bugs the crap out of me about PHP people. They're so dramatic
> about how wonderful PHP is when it does the same stuff, and usually less,
> than lots of other scripting languages, not just perl.

Just to put things into perspective here

1) I made the comment about the start-up speed.
2) Although I use PHP frequently my feet are FIRMLY in the Perl camp
3) Unix Fork/Load/Exec cycle *IS* slow because of the amount of work involved. 
The MS equiv will be just as slow
4) The F/L/E cycle has to be done *every* time the CGI is requested.

The PHP interpreter is already loaded and therefore *WILL* have a quicker 
startup. I don't have figures to back it up, but I would imagine Perl scripts 
exec much quicker that PHP asuming both scripts perform the same function.

(From memory) Using mod_perl will only require scripts to be loaded and 
compiled once per lifetime of the apache daemon so will be much quicker 
overall and provide less load on the server than either traditional CGI's.

Gary Stainburn
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