Harry Putnam wrote:
> "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Harry Putnam wrote:
> >>
> >> @sorted = sort @unsorted;
> >
> > You probably should use the keys of %name which are unique.
> How cool, I hadn't realized this expression:
>    if ($name{$File::Find::name}++ == 0){
> Actually put a value in that slot of %name.

Yes it has to or the expression $name{$File::Find::name}++ would always
be zero.  Lookup the word autovivification in the docs.

> But it doesn't really give the results I was after either.  I wanted
> the sort on short *.pod name.  Other wise I have things like:
>    /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/Win32.pod
> coming first.
> So my formulation may be better in that regard.

Populate the hash like this:

$name{ $File::Find::name } = $_;

And then get the sorted list like this:

@sorted = sort { $name{ $a } cmp $name{ $b } } keys %name;

use Perl;

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