Vema Venkata wrote:

> In my script iam using the following line..
> .... where the user has to keyin either of the options
> 1)"Change_Request",
> 2)"call_req"
> 3)"Both"

What!  You are making your user key in underscores?  That is not your user's job.  It 
yours.  Your users's job is to work in their subject area, using the tools you supply,
while your program takes care of the techie stuff--under the surface.

> options
> ************************************************************************************
> my $choose_table= <STDIN>;   #user has to key in Change_Request,call_req,Both
> chomp $choose_table;
> ************************************************************************************
> but i need to make a prompt to make user to select like
> choose Change_Request,call_req or Both?>#"user will key in the option"
> how do i achieve this
> pls revert to me asap
> rgds
> venkat

Put each option on a line, number from 1 to the number of otions.  Use plain-language
action statements as the line text.
Make sure there is a cancel option, and that it works.
Have the user key in the correct line number.
Test each in entry in a while loop.  Gently remind the user of options, incuding that 
cancel, with each out of range entry.


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