Haim Ashkenazi wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to write a simple ssh login script using Net::SSH::Perl. with
> regular password It's working without a problem, but when I try to use dsa
> key (my usual dsa key) it doesn't work.
> here's the scritp:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use Net::SSH::Perl;
> use Net::SSH::Perl::Auth;
> my @ids = ("/home/haim/.ssh/identity");
> my %params = {
>     protocol => 2,
>     interactive => 1,
>     identity_files => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> };

%params edclares a hash.
{} assigns a scalar reference to an anonymous hash.
They are not the same data type [aka storage category]

> ....

> When I run this script I get an error:
> Reference found where even-sized list expected at login.pl line 10.

[snip--all errors beyond the first are irrelavant]

> can anyone please help?

Try changing the braces around your hash to parens, to properly offer a list as a
hash initiator.  Or nake params a scalar $params.

Try one xor the other of these, and let us know what results you get then.  You have
not yet begun to test the Net::SSH functionality, because your code does not get


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