In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
> What does the last line do. I looked at man threads:
> $thread->join
>            This will wait for the corresponding thread to join. When the
>            thread finishes, join() will return the return values of
>            the entry point function."
> Printing these out (i.e.):
> foreach (@kiddies){
>     $_->join();
>     print "$_ joined.\n";
> }
> gives me:
> threads=SCALAR(0x81de948) joined.
> threads=SCALAR(0x81e180c) joined.
> etc.
> But what does that mean in slightly plainer English?

Looking further I also tried threads->list() (as Igor mentions). Perldocs

       This will return a list of all non joined, non detached threads.

Shouldn't this give you an idea how many threads are still running?

I tried this (also "print scalar threads->list()" trying to get a count),
but the list remained unchanged the entire time...

while(1) {
    sleep 3;
    print threads->list();
    print "\n";

Kevin Pfeiffer
International University Bremen
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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