The program is still exits sometimes without waiting for the threads to finish . I 
can't understand it. It seem like the "join" just doesn't waits to the process to 
finish , it just cleans after the thread and decrements the threads->list.

-----Original Message-----
From: zentara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: FW: threads in perl

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 18:29:09 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Igor
Ryaboy) wrote:

>Very Nice , 
>There is only one unsolved issue here: Your program may exit with other threads are 
>still running , beside this I liked it very much. The actual solution you supplied is 
> use of threads->self function.
Yeah I fixed this. 
>#cleanup leftover running threads
>print "data exhausted, waiting for threads to finish\n";

Replace the above with:

#cleanup leftover running threads 
print "data exhausted, waiting for threads to finish\n";
while (1){
@running_threads = threads->list;
if (scalar(@running_threads) < 1){print "\nFinished\n";exit}else{next}


>Thanks you very much!!!
Your welcome, it was a learning experience for me too. :-)
>BTW where can I get some documentation about threads::Pool?

Download the module from cpan. But I just checked out the latest
version of Threads::Pool and it only works with perl5.8.0-RC3 or
later. I installed 5.81 to test it, but 5.81 broke some other modules
I'm playing with. So.....it's up to you.

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