yomna el-tawil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
> i'd like to say first that i'm using activePerl ,
> under windows.

If you've installed that properly, you're set.

> for O'Reilly, i couldn't subscribe or even have the 14
> days trial because i don't have a credit card.. :(
> I have a question, because really i couldn't help
> myself...
> I don't know where to write the Perl code...

Basically, it doesn't matter. Preferably, create
a directory for your Perl code somewhere on your
disk drive. Use any editor you like (my preference
is TextPad from http://www.textpad.com/) and write
your code, i.e. for starters:

use warnings;

print "Hello, World!\n";

Save that as hello.pl in your directory. Now, open a
DOS box (i.e. Start Menu => Run => cmd.exe on Win2k/XP),
and change to your Perl directory. Now you can run your
code using the command

perl hello.pl

If you use Textpad, you can also integrate Perl in the
editor as a tool. Write your code, save it, and the hit
a simple key combo like CRTL+1 to imediately run your
code. The output is catured in another editor window.



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