On Dec 16, 2003, at 7:13 AM, Hemond, Steve wrote: [..]
I first trap the results by splitting the results in scalar values such as $uid $pid $ppid $stime, etc...

I would like, for each line returned, to hold these values in an array, so that, for each uid, I could return its corresponding pid, ppid, stime, cmd, etc.

One strategy would be to go with


from the CPAN.

An alternative strategy would be something like my
pet favorite Process Table Grovellor

In my case I was not trying to use 'ps' as the all
singing all dancing process grabber - and hence went
with the simpler set of arguments to 'ps' that got me


This started out from a question much like yours that
got me to a simple piece of code like:


in which you can see that I use a hash of hashes

                $pid => {
                                        $user => string,
                                        $cmd  => string,




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