On Dec 24, 2003, at 11:08 PM, Tone wrote:

Hello, I'm interested in programming languages and am somehow new to this field.I am moving from Windows to Linux and am interested in engaging in the programming world. What I would like to ask is: why would I be interested in learning Perl ?

All programming languages have their highlights and down sides, I think. Some Perl plusses, in no particular order:

Good for text processing.

Flexible and creative. (Quite the tool in the hands of the masters.)

Great community.

Some not so good points:

Speed. (Subjective. Slow is still pretty fast, in computers. At times, Perl CAN achieve good speeds.)

Flexible and creative. (Bigger learning curve. Plenty of rope for hanging yourself.)

GUIs. (Completely my opinion. Perl CAN make GUIs, with some non-standard add ons. I just prefer other languages for this.)

That's just a sampling. There are many others and every person would give you a very different list. The list even changes depending on the application.

Give me the main reasons why I may be interested in Perl rather than in PHP, ASP.... Is Perl any useful for Artificial Intelligence development?

Some would say sure, others no way. Perl could be used for AI applications, of course, with plusses and minuses.

My gut reaction is that I love how creative Perl allows me to be and that would help me do something like AI. On the flip side, it's my opinion that Perl's speed typically looks bad when being used for the massive searches which are pretty common place in AI.

I hope you find what you're searching for.


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