I'm a newbie to perl also. Been workign with it for a whole 2 weeks now. Actually.. make that 3 ::grinz::

Warning.. lengthy email below.. I beg forgiveness in advance :-)

Ok. Here is what I did.


@array1[0..5] = 1;
@total[0] = 0;

for($i=0; $i<4; $i++)
    if($i == 0)
         @total[$i] = @array1[$i];
       print "First group";
         print @total[$i];
         $j = $i - 1;
       print "Second group";
         @total[$i] = @total[$j] + @array1[$i];
         print @total[$i];

When I run it I get the following:

First group1Second group1Second group1Second group1

So technically it's not even printing the total of your array. The array is fine. Every container is populated with the #1. You are basically printing each container entry in the array. If you are looking for a total of all containers in the @total array you need to add them together in the array. You will need to add them to a scalar variable or a particular container (total[5] perhaps?). Here is what I did. Warning.. not a clean bit of code but it get's the idea across.. I think:


@array1[0..5] = 1;
@total[0] = 0;

for($i=0; $i<4; $i++)
    if($i == 0)
         @total[$i] = @array1[$i];
       print "First group";
         print @total[$i];
       $total = $total + @total[$i];
       print "\n";
       print $total;
         $j = $i - 1;
       print "Second group";
         @total[$i] = @total[$j] + @array1[$i];
       $total = $total + @total[$i];
         print @total[$i];
       print "\n";
       print $total;

So now you see on the left the sum of each container in the array.

Ok.. I away the flogging. Someone is bound to have done a better job explaining this. At least I can blame it on being up after midnight ;-)

Speaking of which... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!


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