--As off Monday, January 5, 2004 7:20 PM -0300, Ricardo Pichler is alleged to have said:

Hi,  I'm beginner in the perl world, I having see very files .pl to
learn and I  have one question... In this script, what do make the
parts in bold?

Umm, Bold? You sent text/plain. There is no bold.

# !/usr/bin/perl use strict; $|=0; use vars qw(%WRRConf %DHCPDConf %IPTablesConf %GeneralConf %DBIConf %NetworkConf %IfCfgConf %WIPLConf %WANInitConf %LANInitConf %NetworkRemoteConf %WRRRemoteConf %DHCPDRemoteConf %IPTablesRemoteConf %GeneralRemoteConf %SubnetRemoteConf %AdmNetRemoteConf %VisitorSubnetRemoteConf %BlockedSubnetRemoteConf %WANRemoteConf %DCClientsMAC %DCClientsWeight %DCClientsIP $dbh $Debug );

I'll assume this line of code is what you meant. (Everything from 'use' to ';' is one line of code, to me.)

This file have various includes .pm after these lines, I believe
that this lines  in bold, export the variables declared to modules.
This is correct? This is an mode of making they to becoming
"global" to modules? Sorry my bad english.

If I'm reading my copy of the Camel right it is declaring them to be valid global variables. Perl has a concept of exported varibles as well, but this is just listing them in the global namespace.

I am sure that I'm reading it right when it says that this is depreciated. (Meaning: it still works, but don't do it anymore.)

I'll leave it to someone who knows what they are talking about to tell me if I'm right. ;)

Daniel T. Staal

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