> On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:55:56 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Muey)
> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Have you thought about trying to do this on a Tk canvas?
> >> The oval item lets you specify the diagonal corners of the oval's 
> >> bounding box. Tk::canvas can export itself as postscript, so you
> >> could do your drawing, export it as ps, then convert it to
> >> whatever format you want.
> >> 
> >
> >Interesting.... I'm really workign on a dynamic system though, 
> >enter data into form and image is generated.
> >I wonder if those steps would be a bit rough that way.. I don't 
> >know, I'll look into it for sure.
> >Actually I guess I could do Tk::canvas save it to a temp .ps 
> file and open 
> >the tmep file with GD or Imager or somethgin and conevrt it 
> on the fly I 
> >guess it's not too impossible after all, I'll add this to my 
> list of trick 
> >to try.
> >
> >Thanks!
> Oops, I just tried it. The plain Tk::Canvas dosn't support 
> rotation yet.
> And the Oval bounding box only does x-y alignment.
> The Tk::Zinc canvas does do rotation, but outputting postscript
> is still on the "planned to do" list. ;-(
> Zinc can make just about anything you want, with clipping, zooming,
> and rotations. But without the ps output, you would have to capture
> it manually. 
> Just for fun, I tried tuxpaint, and it does make ellipses which can be
> rotated with the mouse, but I don't think it has a programming
> interface.
> Maybe something in script-fu with Gimp?  There is an enormous number
> of scripts for script-fu.
> I did a groups.google.com search for "rotate ellipse GD" and 
> there seems
> to be alot of C code to do it with the real GD c libs. Maybe you could
> get one to compile and call it from your perl script, passing your
> parameters to it?
> Or maybe you could do it programmatically by learning to write
> postscript directly from perl?
> Zinc makes it real easy to do it, and as a matter of fact, someone
> on the Zinc maillist today, just asked the developer to "get going"
> on the postscript output. I've even made a "lobe" shape 
> programmatically
> with Zinc, and it's "bezier curves".
> Good luck....all my ideas are done. :-)

Thanks! Even more to add to my look into list!


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