> Dan Muey wrote:
> > Howdy list.
> > I'm trying to one lineify this:
> >
> > my $guts = $firstchoice || '';
> > if(!$guts && $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) {
> >         $guts = $secondchoice;
> > }
> >
> > Basically
> > my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || '';
> > Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if 
> > $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value. This 
> does not 
> > work like I want but illustrates the goal if you read it 
> our loud. my 
> > $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if 
> > $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';
> >
> > Is that possible to do with one line?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Dan
> I don't know Dan, it looks like you already said it clearly 
> in the first cnstruct above.  I would not discard that 

It is clear but doesn't do what I'm getting at.
The seconde one *reads* like it but does not function how it *reads*.
I want to assign it a value.
If that value is missing I want to assign a second value, and 
here's the tricky part, if a particular variable says it is ok to.
Othyerwise it should be empty.

> clarity without good reason.  Isn't it more important to say 
> what you mean than to tuck it all up tightly?

Except I need to do this to about ten variabels all in a row. 
Which gives me 10 lines with Bob's way and 40 with my very 
first example. Boo for that! :)

> Joseph

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