On Jan 8, 2004, at 7:45 AM, Dan Muey wrote: [..]

Except I need to do this to about ten variabels all in a row. Which gives me 10 lines with Bob's way and 40 with my very first example. Boo for that! :)


Have you thought about a simplification process?
One of the tricks I do is say

my ($var1,$var2,$var3,$var4) = ('' , '' , '', '');

This way I have declared them and initialized them,
so that they will not bounce with that 'use of undefined
var at line X" error.

This way when you get down to

my $guts = ($use_second_choice)? $var2:$var1;

you don't need to worry about the additional bit of
making sure that it is

my $guts = ($use_second_choice)? $var2: $var1 || '';

Just a thought to think...



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