William Ampeh wrote:
> Hello David,
> How would you convert your code to allow a bidirectional communication
> between the clients and the server without the use of files or named
> pipes?
> That is:
> Client send a request to server, waits for server to respond,
> Server processes client's request, and send response back to client,
> Client views server responds and sends another request to server.
> Server responds,

keep the request alive so the client and server can talk to each other:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use IO::Socket::INET;

#-- server.pl
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen    => 5,
                                   LocalAddr => 'localhost',
                                   LocalPort => 5050,
                                   Proto     => 'tcp') || die $!;

while($| = my $client = $server->accept){


                next unless(/^time: (.+)/i);

                my $token = $1;
                if($token eq 'whole'){
                        print $client scalar localtime;
                }elsif($token eq 'year'){
                        print $client (localtime)[5]+1900;
                }elsif($token eq 'month'){
                        print $client sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[4]+1);
                }elsif($token eq 'day'){
                        print $client sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[6]);
                }elsif($token eq 'done'){
                        #-- at this point, the client wants to stop talking
                        print $client -1;
                        $client = undef;
                        print $client "?token: $token";

        close($client) if($client);


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use IO::Socket::INET;

#-- client.pl
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => 'localhost',
                                   PeerPort => 5050,
                                   Proto    => 'tcp') || die $!;

$| = 1;

        last if(/quit/i);
        print $server $_;
        if(sysread($server,my $answer,1024)){
                if($answer =~ /^\?(.+)/){
                        print STDERR "server response with unknown $1\n";
                }elsif($answer =~ /^-1$/){
                        $server = undef;
                        print STDERR "Server: $answer\n";

close($server) if($server);



[panda]# perl server.pl &
[panda]# perl client.pl
time: whole
Server: Thu Jan  8 14:50:46 2004
time: day
Server: 04
time: year
Server: 2004
time: month
Server: 01
time: what
server response with unknown token: what

the server keeps respond to client request until the client:

1. close the connection on its end
2. send a done command

i notice that you might have sent another reply to one of my previous 
message with some of your code. i haven't get a chance to look at them yet. 
pretty busy nowadays, i will take a look at your code when i have more 

sub'_{print"@_ ";* \ = * __ ,\ & \}
sub'__{print"@_ ";* \ = * ___ ,\ & \}
sub'___{print"@_ ";* \ = * ____ ,\ & \}

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