William Ampeh wrote:
> 1.  I realized you used TCP instead of UDP for the protocol.  Are there
> any advantages of one over the other besides the fact the known drawback
> of standard UDP protocol (i..e, no guarantee to sequencing and unreliable
> delivery)?

tcp is much more popular than udp as well... :-)

> 2. Your sysread had a 1024 bytes.  What are the implications of either
> increasing or decreasing this number?

most os is able to handle 1k of memory much more faster than any other size. 
depending on your application, increasing or decreasing this number might 
not matter much. feel free to experiment with a different number.

sub'_{print"@_ ";* \ = * __ ,\ & \}
sub'__{print"@_ ";* \ = * ___ ,\ & \}
sub'___{print"@_ ";* \ = * ____ ,\ & \}

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