Once you get the AS PERL working, use ppm or ppm3 (Perl Package Manager) to get DBI/DBD modules (DBD::Oracle) on your system. Connect and you're on your way. There is a book on this subject that will help,

I've always found this link to help describe the length of the tunnel...

At 07:57 AM 1/13/04 -0600, you wrote:
I am new to the world of PERL and need help to get started. I have the book: "PERL for Oracle DBA's". But this has not helped me get started. My background is Oracle as a DBA. I have a good background with SQL*Plus and PL/SQL. On my home PC I have XP Prof. and Oracle 9.2. My Oracle supports PERL but I cannot get it to work. It is not the latest release of PERL, but that is not a problem. When I can get it to work I can update at that time.

Any help with books for beginners or web sites will be greatly appreciated. Keep it very simple.

Thanks much,
Ken Janusz, CPIM

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