Who in their right mind would walk into a courthouse and tell the judge
they were trying to break into a computer system (which in and of itself
holds MANY penalties because information on a company system is
invaluable per previous court cases) and say that they lost data on
their system when their attack was rebuked?  The person would get
laughed out of court, if not at the submittal level then when the judge
enters the chamber.  At the point the guy admits to trying to hack into
the system the cops can come forward and throw him in jail, the DA would
have a confession on record, and Butch would have a new wife in cell
block D.

But it is all semantics.  If they run an AV they are fine, just annoyed.
If they don't run an AV then if they are smart they will catch it and be
fine.  If they lose it, well how can they prove where they were, the log
files are gone and unless they are keeping paper records (even better
for the law to prosecute them with) then they have even no way of
proving anything.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael C. Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: Script Kiddie issues

What a great idea.  You'll make lots of new friends in the Big House.

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