> -----Original Message-----
> From: LoneWolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 10:56 AM
> Subject: Script Kiddie issues
> Frankly I use the apache filter to check for people looking 
> for cmd.exe or root.exe or any one of a dozen files, and 
> instead of my log files filling with their looks they are 
> sent an iframe html page with a virus built in that formats 
> their windows system.  If they aren't running windows then it 
> it still an annoyance because they get nowhere, but if it is 
> windows, then I get to have some fun with them.
> Just my $.02.

I hope it installs Linux on their system with grub & root passwords set
to something like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]&t678YT&*t67T78T78_&*t%78T78t*&y9HUGy8

Either that or send 'em a system image of WinDoze 3.0  :)

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