On Feb 7, 2004, at 11:37 AM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

Securing your system from someone is different than firing back. And your house analogy is really dumb, it has predefined borders that are very distinct. Your webserver is open and you are inviting someone to look at anything on it, for the same reason that you can't shoot me for walking on the sidewalk in front of your house (assuming you lived where such things exist).... If you want to use the analogy shutdown port 80, then if someone tries to enter though port 80 then fire back. You are actually causing more problem for those of us that have to deal with the problems, by only helping yourself. What is to stop a spammer or script kiddie finding out about your ruse, possibly even listening in on the conversation, and rather than trying to hack your system starts sending out mass emails to people with a URL in it that directs them to your system and that URL, all of a sudden your victims become his victims and he has used you in a scheme to haunt the very users you wished to defend.

Thank you. You said what I wanted to and better. I was worried reason had left this thread altogether.


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