Darren - Contractor.Westar Peterson wrote:
> Hello, all.  I'm as green a Perl programmer as can be.  As a matter of fact,
> I am green in OO programming and network communications.  I spent 12 years
> maintaining FORTRAN code on 1970's mainframe computers.  I do love
> But my boss has asked me to coordinate app execution on a handful of mixed
> boxes on a small LAN.  The boxes are W2K and Linux.  A network savvy friend
> of mine suggested Perl.  As I work through a tutorial (Beginning Perl @
> learn.perl.org, anyone have chapter 11?) on Perl starting this morning, what
> I really need immediate help with is TCP communication between a master app
> and a slave app.  As a base upon which to build I would like to set up a
> script on one box that throws a message, any message, through any port to a
> script on another box.  The second script should loop until message is
> received, then print and die.
> Would someone point me to source examples, or module documentation.  I can
> pick up things quickly, but when so much is so new and unexplored, I'm
> afraid I really don't know where to start.  Of course, I will work through
> the tutorial to build some general language proficiency, but I surely would
> love to quickly have a very simple communication example to run to bolster
> my courage and to show off to the boss as a work in progress.

Hi Darren.

Take a look at

  perldoc perlipc

and check out the module


which works fine on WXP and, I think, should be OK on W2K.



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