> Thanks Charles,
> Now your polite comments on using warnings make me think and as well as
> guilty. Also emphasizes on going an extra mile at times helps save time.
> Point well taken,
> But on the other hand there are people on the list like "Mr. James Edward
> Gray II" has some ego problems. No body asked you to answer my question. 

Careful James has answered a lot of questions and done a very good job
of it, and these postings are archived.

> you really think beginners like me, for whom this list was created in the
> first place, are not worthy of your expertise and knowledge, then
please by
> all means spare us from your wisdom and as well as criticism. You must
> mind that different people think differntly and will have different
> which must not be mistaken by polity and lazyness without knowing for
> With all due respect, if you can't, then do not help. The world will
> without your help.

He did help, and his position was supported by similar statements from
another poster.  You yourself also stated you didn't want to waste other
poster's time, but not turning on strict/warnings is a direct
contradiction of that.  He also mentioned that you had been around a
while and should no better, I can't attest one way or another, so many
names are just fly bys, but you should take that as a complement and a

I will admit this is a beginners list, but if you thought James'
comments were harsh you need to grow a much, much tougher skin before
venturing out on to the rest of the internet. Good thing Randal wasn't
around ;-)....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles K. Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 12:39 PM
> To: 'Naser Ali'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: string seperated by multiple spaces
> From: Naser Ali <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Below is the actual code. This is just the preliminary code
> : to test the logic, it is not final yet, therefore, I am not
> : using "Warnings", "Strict" or for that matter anything else.
>     Use strict and warnings from the very beginning. Don't
> wait while you're testing. I use them always. Even for the
> itty bitty scripts.
> : Also I am slurrping the whole file, and I know I do not have
> : to, but alternate ways, I ll decide later.
>     There's nothing wrong with pulling in the whole file
> at once if you are certain the file size will remain
> small.
> : open(TFILE, "file.txt");
> : @first=<TFILE>;
> : close (TFILE);
> : 
> : 
> : for ($i=0; $i <= $#first; $i++) {
> : 
> :   $Avg=$first[$i];
> :           chomp($Avg);
> :           ($label,$TD,$YT,$M,$L,$Y,$W)= split (/\s+/,$Avg);
> :            print "$label,$TD,$YT,$M,$L,$Y,$W\n";
> : }
>     That works fine. Perhaps file.txt is not opening or contains something
> you don't expect. Try this:
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $file = 'file.txt';
> open FH, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
>     my @averages = <FH>;
> close FH;
> foreach my $average ( @averages ) {
>     chomp $average;
>     my @fields = split ' ', $average;
>     print " Bad line --> $average " unless @fields == 7;
>     print join( ', ', @fields ), "\n";
> }
> __END__
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> -- 
> Mobile Homes Specialist
> 254 968-8328

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