Michelle Rogers wrote:
> The point is...if you're wanting to help beginners....be nice....don't jump
> down their throats....I'd prefer not to have that type of help.  Use Charles
> K. Clarkson, as an example.  He said the exact same thing, but said it in a
> way that it should be said to beginners.  I guess I'm taking it upon myself
> to say this because I don't intend to stay in this group (and may have
> decided not to this morning, after that message, if I hadn't already decided
> that)...I've decided to use euphoria instead of perl for what i'm doing.
> And, i guess i'm thinking that someone needs to protect the "young and
> innocent".   That person that you just jumped down their throat may have
> been the person who was going to code the greatest software the world has
> ever seen.....but the way that was handled...they may give up and never try
> again.
> Golden Rule:  Do to others, as you would want them to do to you.
> And while you might argue that you would want people to point out things to
> correct, if it were you, I'd daresay that you also would want them to do it
> nicely.

Ah yes, good advice.  I try to set a good example by not TOP POSTING but
some people just don't "GET IT" (whatever IT is.)  Most times it is very
hard to teach people over a text only medium especially when you are
trying to teach people who don't know what they don't know.  :-)

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