On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:01:07 -0700, John W. Krahn wrote
> You like typing a lot?  :-)  You could use a hash slice.

I'm not really a Perl programmer so I try to make the code clear to people
coming from Java, C#, etc. (no remarks on my relative success are needed). 
This kind of construct seems foreign to most other languages.  In fact I wish
localtime would return an associative array instead of a positional array (I
basically wrap localtime with a sub that converts the data to a hash).

> I don't know why it is changing, 
> (I can't see your entire program) but perhaps you should just store 
> the current time in a scalar and see if that helps.

It would have to be a global or environment variable, which I am hoping to
avoid (especially since this one should already contain the value).



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