> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:26:36 -0400, Bob Showalter wrote
> > 
> > I second the "huh?"
> > 
> > How did prototyping relate to the trouble with $^T?
> > 
> > How do you define "support prototyping properly?"
> Basically because of my implementation of named parameters.  I was
> passing -value instead of -seed and the sub was expecting -seed.  If
> I had been using named parameters instead of hash keys this would not
> have been possible. 

You might look at the CPAN module Params::Validate for this kind of thing.

> By prototyping I really mean named and typed parameters and a typed
> return value (like C).

OK. "Prototyping" in perl has a specific (and different) meaning. It's
documented in perlsub.

Basically, it's used so you can write subs that act more like some of the
built-in subs.

Consider push():

   push(@array, 'foo', 'bar');

Without prototypes, you can't really write your own version of push(),
because the contents of @array get flattened along with the remaining args
into a single @_ list. Your own version would need to be called more like:

   my_push([EMAIL PROTECTED], 'foo', 'bar');

With perl's prototypes, you can tell the compiler to require an array name,
and yet pass a reference to that array as the actual parameter.

It really has nothing to do with named formal arguments or type checking in
the C-style prototypes sense.

> I mistyped on my last post - I have seen suggestions that prototypes
> should not even be used.  Is there a difinitive answer on this?

I would agree with this. Prototypes are never needed AFAIK, and I have never
used them in any of the code I've written.

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