
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, Joe Echavarria wrote:

The company i work is considering two tools for the web version of a loan system. I need to prove that perl is better that ASP.NET for the project. Can anyone help me ?

Maybe, with concrete questions of reasonable scope.

is posible with perl have controls ?

What is a control? Is this an ASP term? Please describe what you mean by controls -- what functionality are you hoping for here?

data grids ?

You mean like tables &/or matrices? Sure, no problem.

date controls ?

In what way[s] are you hoping to control dates? Please clarify this.

the way that asp.net works ?

It probably isn't safe to assume that a list for Perl Beginners isn't going to be populated with a lot of people that know a lot about ASP, so you should probably clarify what it is about ASP that you would like to do with Perl. Chances are that Perl can do most anything ASP can, but it's hard to make comparisons when this are this vague :-)

why perl is better ?

This is a subjective issue, so without having a clearer idea about what properties of ASP are being considered, it's hard to say how Perl might be "better". Well, not hard -- impossible.

give examples of robust web applications writtern in perl , links, examples, etc.

This is probably what you want:


Chris Devers

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