On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:36:30 -0700 (PDT), Joe Echavarria wrote
> Hi there,
>   The company i work is considering two tools for the
> web version of a loan system.  I need to prove that
> perl is better that ASP.NET for the project. Can
> anyone help me ?, is posible with perl have controls
> ?, data grids ?, date controls ?, the way that asp.net
> works ?, why perl is better ?, give examples of robust
> web applications writtern in perl , links, examples,
> etc. anything that could help me prove that perl is
> better for the project. 

This is major flamebait and I'm not going to try to address all potential
objections to this post.  What is the reason that Perl must be justified over
.NET?  Has the decision been made and you are just rationalizing it, do you
have Perl skills and fear of learning .NET, or what is the motivation?

What might be more interesting might be a comparison of Perl against Java. 
Also, try to factor out the M$ concerns - I believe Mono will port .NET to
Linux over time.

I think to a great extent the answer depends on your requirements, developer
toolsets and the applications that must be provided (integrated) on the site.  

Personally, I'm more productive on a number of levels in Visual Studio than in
vi, textpad, etc., but then that's another cost (in addition to the IIS M$
licensing, security concerns, vendor dependence, etc.).  And be aware that (at
least poorly-written) Perl has it's own security concerns.  I don't think
there's much that can justify Perl in this context - a lot of what you're
looking for are UI components that *can* be built with Perl, but are much
easier in a drag-and-drop UI like Visual Studio.

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