I forgot to CC the list with my last post!  sorry, won't happen again.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Errin Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:46:33 -0500
Subject: Re: How to dynamically taking the multiple input arguments?

Alrighty ... So the code I've got now is below.  Some of the
variables' names have changed to make things slightly less confusing
(probably only less confusing for me!).  I also moved those parens
arount the 'shift' function so it communicates the precendence (again,
in my opinion) a little more clearly.  I have tested this and it seems
to work! comments?

use warnings;
use strict;

unless( @ARGV >= 2 ) { die "Usage: $0 file1 file2 [file3...]\n"; }

my @final_results = ();
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
        open IN, $file or die "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
        my @tmp_results = map{ s/\s+//g; ( shift @final_results ).$_ } ( <IN> );
        @final_results = @tmp_results;
        close IN;

print "$_\n" foreach( @final_results );

btw, thanks for all the help and explanations David and Bee (sorry
about my ignorance of the HTH!).  I hope Edward (the original poster!)
has been paying attention!


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