> PS: is this a common problem/exercise in some class somewhere?  I keep
> seeing requests for help having to do with those exact strings of DNA
> data.  Is there a bunch of people working on DNA projects using Perl
> somewhere?  Or, is this some homework?

bio-informatics is a big area in which Perl is involved...   there's even
a book from O'reilly on the subject...

also, a mailing-list is available...

from http://lists.perl.org/   -

bioperl-announce-l List is for people only interested in announcements
of Bioperl code releases, updates and events.

bioperl-l Unmoderated list for general discussion of bioperl modules,
current & future efforts and related topics.


in the latter of the two lists, i counted about 80 messages in the first half
of this month.

hmm... i might join it... :)  might be fun!!


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