> Hi,
> I have this HoH:
> my %HoH = (
>     firstkey => { A => 'blabla',
>                   B => 'dadada',
>                   C => 'tititi',}
>     );
> generated with
> $HoH{$fkey}{$alpha}=$text;
> how can I access the value
> of the first key, so that it gives: "firstkey"

This is confusing, the value of the first key is a hash, so it will not
give 'firstkey'.  
> I tried this with no avail:
> print "$HoH{$fkey}\n"

RIght, that will print info about the HASH (aka the reference
stringified).  Looks like you are walking into the world of references,
have you read:

perldoc perllol
perldoc perldsc
perldoc perlreftut
perldoc perlref

They should get you going. Of course it might be sufficient to start with,

perldoc -f keys
perldoc -f values
perldoc -f each

But if not, try to provide more specifics of what you are up to.

> Regards,
> Edward WIJAYA


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