On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 22:18:49 +0800, Edward Wijaya
> On 29 Sep 2004 14:58:00 +0100, Jose Alves de Castro
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I understood this correctly, you want to do this:
> >
> So sorry for being not clear.
> I will extend just a bit.
> Suppose I have:
> my %HoH = (
>     firstkey => { A => 'blabla',
>                   B => 'dadada',
>                   C => 'tititi',}
>     secondkey => { D => 'blabla',
>                    E => 'dadada',
>                    F => 'tititi',}
>     );
> and I generated that HoH with this:
> $HoH{$fkey}{$alpha}=$text;
> namely:
> "firstkey, secondkey"     from $fkey
> "A, B, C, etc"            from $alpha
> "blabla etc"              from $text
> my question is how can I print output like:
> firstkey
> secondkey
> given the construction variables as mention before.
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Edward WIJAYA
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Jose was correct.  You need to read:

  perldoc -f keys

try this:

print "$_\n" foreach( keys %HoH );


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