> I'm sure you've seen this one hundreds of times!

Uh, nope.  Which is really nice.
> I copied the following script, downloaded and installed the POP3Client 
> module but it doesn't want to connect to an external POP3 server for me, 
> for some reason.  I have put in the correct pop3 server, username and 
> password, at least the same ones that work for me and will connect
> Any thoughts about how to find the problem and/or debug?

Did you turn on the DEBUG switch?  There is a section in the docs that
state that it will give an indication of errors. I copied your script,
turned it on, saw that the connection was successful by login was not. I
then attempted switching the AUTH_MODE for my connection to PASS (yes I
know what this means, do you? If not, learn before doing so.) and
everything then worked.

> It runs, but I get "You have -1 messages"

The docs state that currently the only way to check for successful
connection is to ask for the number of messages, with -1 indicating
connection failure. I suspect 0 is success but empty, and >1 meaning
success and with messages.

Granted this is fairly annoying and I would think getting that switched
is high on their list.

> I suspect the -1 means the variable has not been initialized or for some 
> reason it will not connect to the server.

-1 is initialization of the variable, just not a connection.

> Jim

<snip code>


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