On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 11:51:34 -0700 (PDT), Ron Smith
> I'm not sure what you mean. I'm new at logging into shell accounts through a
> 'telnet' session. I'm on a Window$ 2000 box, using 'telnet' to log into
> 'sdf.lonestar.org'. The first thing that appears at login is the following: 
> NetBSD/alpha (sdf) (ttypu) 
> Does that help? 
> Ron
> Errin Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 11:11:26 -0700 (PDT), Ron Smith
> wrote:
> > I'm working the exercises out of the "Learning Perl" book, but I'm doing
> so through a shell account from a Window$ box into a UNIX environment. I'm
> experiencing an oddity wherein I'm getting, what I think are, extra newlines
> or carriage returns in my code as I type it in the shell through a telnet
> session. This phenomenon, of course, throws off the results of the code.
> > 
> > Has anyone experienced this? Is there a solution? I've tried several
> adjustments in the code I'm writing by using an extra 'chomp' or' chop', but
> this method is hit-and-miss. There may be some ENV variable or something
> else I can use to get some consistency going.
> > 
> > TIA
> > Ron
> > 
> What UNIX environment? What terminal emulator? I know that Solaris
> includes a handy utility called dos2unix that will help pull out
> annoying extra characters from DOS created text files. Perhaps this
> utility is found in other UNIXy OSs as well.
> --Errin

Hi again, Ron,

First, try to bottom post.  People on this list will snap at 'ya if your don't!

Yes, that helps, it tells us what OS you're writing for, and also how
you connect to that OS (DOS telnet).  Now, where do you develop your
scripts?  Do you write your scripts on the Win2000 machine and then
copy/ftp them over to the UNIX box to test/implement?  The more
details you give us the better able we'll be to help!


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