On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> So the conclusion is that perl code cannot be really hidden (for 
> comercial purposes)?

For any purposes, yes, code cannot be hidden.

More broadly, for any interpreted language -- Perl, Python, Tcl, even 
ones like Java and Visual Basic -- it's fairly straightforward to turn 
an obfuscated version back into something resembling the original if you 
know what you're doing.

It's harder with compiled languages like C, but even then there are 
decompilers and other tools for getting source code back out.

If you don't want someone seeing how your code works, don't let them 
have access to the machine on which your code runs. In a networked 
world, this isn't hard to do -- just have the interesting bits written 
in the language of your choice running on a machine somewhere under your 
control, and provide an appropriate interface for your clients. This is 
exactly how every web site in the world works, including the really 
clever ones like Amazon and Google.

It works for them; it can work for you, too.

Chris Devers

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