On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Charles K. Clarkson wrote:

> Christopher Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I heard a lot of people dislike goto.  Why?  When
> : should I use this command?
>     There are three forms of this statement. Each is
> discussed in the 'perlfunc' reference to 'goto'. Have
> you read that document?
>     'goto' is usually used as an advanced tool. It is
> seldom needed in well designed algorithms.
In [brief] defense of GOTO, for some programming it is essential. 
Assembly language programming, for example. 

The problem is that if not managed carefully, it can quickly lead to 
"spagetti code": a mash of lines of execution that is nearly impossible 
to debug.

In general, a good rule of thumb is to think carefully about any 
situation where a GOTO seems like a necessary. In a lot of cases, there 
will be some clearer way to accomplish the same result -- often in the 
form of calling a subroutine or jumping out of a loop with a `next FOO` 
line, or something to that effect. 

If you think you need it but aren't sure, you can always ask the list 
for a second opinion :-)

Chris Devers

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